Fine Art Friday – Fresh Snow, Wild Horses & Gratitude

Thanksgiving Monday 2021 gave me a lot to be grateful for. We had plenty of food on our table. Family to share it with and, despite additional lockdowns returning, still plenty of freedom to enjoy it. I woke early and felt restless. Nature called – in the best possible way! It had been grey and […]
Fine Art Friday – Sargeant Bay Provincial Park – Sunshine Coast

I know – this is isn’t quite Southern Alberta Scenery. But, it’s still scenery, it’s gorgeous, and it deserves a flashback to the glorious evening it was! Picture August 2018, a heatwave, flat calm waters and a gorgeous soft sunset. My hubby and I had been touring the Sunshine Coast for a week. Unprecedented […]
Alberta Mini Break – Waterton Lakes National Park – Day 1

With ever-changing restrictions, and uncertainty about international travel, we decided to keep our summer vacation to mini breaks in the province. Alberta is never short of stunning landscapes, outdoor activities, and Waterton Lakes National Park is forever on my list of all-time faves! A two-day ‘staycation’ is good for the soul. The Journey Down You […]
Backroads, a pandemic, and spring in Alberta…
How It Started Head back to May 2020… we’d been locked down for 6 weeks. Tax season was over (and my taxes were actually done before they extended the deadline.) April had sucked weather wise, and it was too early to work in the garden as frosty nights were still a thing! I’d been out […]
Close Encounters of the Bear Kind
I’d had ‘one of those weeks’ – filled with a bit of self doubt, a bit of procrastination, and a distinct lack of motivation to accomplish much. I also knew I needed to scope out a wedding venue for an upcoming shoot. Decided to combine the mission with some ‘me time’. On Friday, dropped hubby […]